That’s the PoWeR of The Home Depot!

As a consumer I’m susceptible to advertising. I admit it. However, I’m really annoyed that EVERYTHING today is an ad.
Can’t build a building without it having some companies name on it. Every sports stadium/arena has a company name on it. Lucas Oil stadium, met life stadium, Gillette stadium, etc to name a few.
The phone lines to the radio stations are even sponsored by some company. As well as, the traffic, weather and sports reports.
I mean, Geezus! How many more things can we sponsor/advertise on? I’m getting whiplash and nauseous from looking and hearing all these sponsored ads.
You could fund a small government with all those advertising dollars.
Can we say enough is enough already? Before we have to hear, “Your air is being brought to you by Lysol today! Lysol, making breathing smell better!”

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